ZoKrates ABI

In order to interact programmatically with compiled ZoKrates programs, ZoKrates supports passing arguments using an ABI.

To illustrate this, we'll use the following example program:

struct Bar {
    field a;

struct Foo {
    u8 a;
    Bar b;

def main(Foo foo, bool[2] bar, field num) -> field {
    return 42;

ABI specification

When compiling a program, an ABI specification is generated and describes the interface of the program.

In this example, the ABI specification is:

   "output": {

ABI input format

When executing a program, arguments can be passed as a JSON object of the following form:


Note the following:

  • Field elements are passed as JSON strings in order to support arbitrary large numbers
  • Unsigned integers are passed as JSON strings containing their hexadecimal representation
  • Structs are passed as JSON objects, ignoring the struct name